New Addition to Zagreb ZOO

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A new addition to Zagreb ZOO arrived from Amsterdam yesterday – a female anteater called Ariel.

Ariel is two and she will make a great partner to Oliver, a giant anteater who arrived at Zagreb ZOO from the UK in 2015.

“Ariel has successfully gone through quarantine and is now waiting to meet Oliver. Her diet was different in Amsterdam, so we are having the menus adapted. We know that a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so we wouldn’t want differences in their food preference to spoil the big meeting.” Damir Skok, Zagreb ZOO director, said.

Zookeepers believe that the couple will live in peace and harmony doing what anteaters like doing best – eating and sleeping.

Not unlike the rest of us šŸ™‚


Ariel and Oliver


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