Happy childhood memories are staying forever. My favourite place to spend holidays when I was a young child was at my grandma´s. She lived in a small village in the hills. We used to spend our days outside, playing in the forest. She had a dog and goats and chickens, of course. She would make us a real bow with some arrows.. My parents never wanted to take the bow with us back to the city, we had to leave it there every time.. . I hated that. But I loved the place. It was great.
Many of my husband´s happy childhood memories are from Prapatna bay, where he used to spend time with his uncle and aunt, who built a simple cottage there. Being on a boat all day, fishing, swimming and sleeping outside – just a simple summer fun. Must have been great.

So, the Prapatna bay has a special place in our hearts and we went to to do some maintenance work on the cottage. It was a beautiful sunny day and I was tempted to join the winter swimming population, but then bura started to show its force and I decided to leave my clothes on..

Enjoy these pictures. Just the sea, sun and bura..