Big Game Fishing Hvar Cup 2015 – Register Now

Total Croatia News

A nice thing is happening in Hvar Town in the late season. 

While the season has been winding down in September for years, the season in the island’s main town has quietly been extending, largely through the efforts of private businesses and some excellent initiatives. 

It is now four years since the introduction of a squid-fishing championship called Peskafondo, originally organised by Restaurant Gariful, but one which has grown nicely and now enjoys broad support in the town from various stakeholders. And to complement the fish theme, last year, Big Game Fishing Palmizana introduced a new event, Big Game Fishing Hvar 2014, an event which was enjoyed by all who took part, and was even attended by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. You can read our Google News report on last year’s Big Game Fishing Hvar Cup here.

This year’s event will start on October 1, with registrations now open. Information below in Croatian, or pop into Pelegrini Tours on the Hvar waterfront, or follow events on the Big Game Fishing Palmizana Facebook page

The first week of October is probably my favourite time to visit Hvar Town, as there is so much going on around the celebration of the day of the town on October 2, and this year, there will be the added bonus of the first screening on the island of the much-awaited Fishermen’s Conversations, about the changing lives of the fishermen community on Hvar. 

[KUP HVARA 2015]
Od današnjeg datuma, 30.08., otvorene su prijave za big game natjecanje Kup Hvara 2015., koje će se održati od 01.10 do 04.10., u agenciji Pelegrini Tours
Prijava se može izvršiti pozivom na brojeve :
098 2860 32
021 742 250
021 742 743
Ili mailom na [email protected] te [email protected]
Kotizacija za ekipe do 4 člana iznosi 3750 HRK, dok za svakog člana više, sudjelovanje u manifestaciji će koštati još 1200 HRK po osobi.
U cijenu je uključeno :
Vez u Hvarskoj luci
4 večere i
2 kašete ješke po danu. (dodatnu ješku će biti moguće kupiti)
Nadamo se da će se ova naša manifestacija održati u istom ugodnom i prijateljskom tonu kao i prošle godine te se veselimo vašem dolasku.



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