Most of the time, i feel really blessed to raise my child in such a safe, healthy and peaceful environment. We all know each other here and we keep an eye on our kids, so they can move around relatively free and 100% safe.
(photo: Vivian Grisogono)
And yes, I said “most of the time”, because I have my moments too. Moments, when I long for some like-minded parents (mostly because of my unconventional decisions regarding healthy food and alternative education), which is a bit harder to find in such a small community. But, lately I feel really enthusiastic about the energy that is coming from several initiatives around the island. People are getting active and making a difference, which is a huge thing for the island. It gives me hope.
But, I got a bit carried away, let´s focus on the subject here. Jelsa is one truly great place for kids, both when raising one here and when coming for a family holiday.
The main attraction during the summer is, of course the beach. Endless sea-fun for all ages, from babies, through toddlers, little children and teens. Depending on what you and your kids prefer. Jelsa has one of the most beautiful kids-friendly beaches on the island. That would be Grebisce – a shallow sandy beach underneath the Grebisce camp, just a bit outside Jelsa (short bike ride).

The other sandy option is the Mina beach, located below Hotel hvar – a very popular shallow-water option for families with kids. Last year we got a new attraction for all little swimmers – Aqua Park Jelsa. A sort of bouncing castle on the water with trampoline, several slides and swings. I can see myself being 10 again and would probably want to stay there forever.
Apart at the Mina beach, there is another aquapark facility, in Vrboska at the very popular Soline beach – Aquapark Vrboska. Another great option for families with kids, this time a pebble beach.

(photo: Aquapark Soline)
Most of the local teenagers hang out at Bočić, which is the beach below the old Hotel Jadran. They do that funny jumping and splashing thing, that goes on for years now and I am sure, they are open to some international competition. So, bring your teenager and drop him off there, so he can make some new friends.

Or, there is another option, when it comes to teenagers. My parents used to do that while they still could, in order to have a stress-free vacation with teenage daughters. Together with friends (with more teenagers), they rented a house in one of the Gdinj bays. Back than, we rented a house, where there was limited electricity and water supply, very limited cell-phone signal, not to mention internet connection (not sure wi-fi existed in those prehistoric days). No night life, no boys, no Tv, no phone equals one stress free holiday. Can you imagine that?

We still had fun and it was actually one of the best holidays ever.
But this reminds me of another thing regarding Jelsa being great for kids. While Hvar town is famous for its night life, which is not exactly something you would look for, when wanting a family holiday with kids, Jelsa is relatively free from the partying-through-the-whole-night concept. You can go out with the kids in the evening, having them play on the square or in the park (there is a big trampoline facility each summer), while you enjoy a cocktail or two. And you will probably stretch it out a bit, as many parents do, because a cool summer night is exactly what you need after another hot day in the sun. And then, collect the kids and get some sleep for another day at the beach.

(photo: Vivian Grisogono)
There is a playground for kids in the Jelsa park with swings and slides – a very popular spot for the little ones. And if your kid is really into playgrounds (mine was, when she was around 2), there is another one in Vrboska (no shade there, so choose early morning or late afternoon) and Humac – a really great one built last autumn by the Sustainable Island Association by using up-cycled materials (you will love the tire-elephant and the giant Don´t Get Angry game).

(photo: Ivana Župan)
There are plenty of cultural happenings during the summer. The Jelsa folklore group KUD Jelsa has regular performances at the St. John´s Square – interesting singing and dancing in folk costumes. And this year, we should get regular summer cinema streaming provided by Kino Mediteran Jelsa.

(photo: KUD Jelsa)
And not to forget the Humac horses. I really love that they are moving free in the Humac area and you can just run into them when walking towards the Grapčeva Cave. Horseback riding is also possible, contact the Konoba Humac for more info.

Overall, families with kids are welcome in Jelsa. You will be able to relax, when wanting to have a dinner at a restaurant, because the environment is really kids-friendly. People will smile at your kids, talk to them and make them feel welcome. There are plenty of kids-friendly beach options and activities, which you can do together as a family. And there will be enough opportunities to have your little ones enjoying themselves, while you can get some kids-free time too.
Bring your kids and enjoy Jelsa this summer!!