We are very fortunate to live in a beautiful old stone house on Pjaca (Square). The location has its pros and cons. Having the main stage of every concert right in front of our entrance door is not always that appealing when you have a small child. It is loud, windows and doors shaking and you can´t do much about it, except leaving the house to sleep elsewhere (like for the wine fair we have to do it).
This year, our little one is not a baby any more and can stay up a bit longer. So we decided to go with the flow with this year´s events. We had really a great company for 2Cellos and we planned a dinner party for our friends for Severing tonight. Because when you can´t escape it, make the best out of it.

After a rather nice dinner, there was time to catch up with our friends as the concert started with a delay (planned for 10 pm, started closer to 11pm).

The square was almost full and people were enjoying the performance, dancing and singing along during the whole concert. A very positive atmosphere with many well-known songs played tonight.

It is really easy to impress guest on a dinner party like this – good food, excellent wine, interesting conversation and live music in a package. Thank you all for being there and creating this very beautiful evening.

Another great event organized by the Jelsa tourist board and Star produkcija. Here is a piece of the atmosphere from the concert.
Severina_Jelsa_20_08_2015 from ivana on Vimeo.