Total Hvar Announces Partnership with Jelsa Tourist Board, Hotels and Opcina

Total Croatia News

There is a new wave of optimisim in Jelsa and its approach to tourism, and I am delighted to announce that Total Hvar will be taking a much greater interest over the coming months. 

For finally, after 4.5 years and 8,000 articles about this lovely island are we pleased to announce our first working relationship with one of the five tourist boards of Hvar. I hope it will be the first of five… 

We have reached agreement with not only the Jelsa Tourist Board, but also Jelsa’s hotels for the first time, as well as ongoing support from Jelsa Opcina, now in its third year. We look forward to presenting the news and developments and tourist events in even more depth in the coming months, and we would be happy to do the same for other parts of the islands. If any other local authorities, hotels or tourist boards would like to work together, our doors are open for cooperation via

After years of stagnation, these are exciting times for Jelsa. From the seaplane service connecting Jelsa to Croatia, to the major infrastructure projects and innovative new ideas of the recently appointed Jelsa Tourist Board director, I can genuinely say that I am very excited about the future of my adopted home town, and we look forward to taking you along the  journey of progress. 

On a separate note, we are in the final stages of updating our 2016 Hvar, An Insider’s Guide, which should be out before Easter (see cover above). If you are a quality Hvar business or organisation and would like to be considered for inclusion, please email us details asap to




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