
Severina to Perform at Vanilla Bar in Split Next Month

Daniela Rogulj

Recently announced – Severina, the famous Croatian pop-folk singer and one of the most famous singers in the Balkans, will ...

Tonight, Hajduk Bids Farewell to Tino-Sven Sušić

Daniela Rogulj

Tino Sušić will no longer be a player of Hajduk as he is signing for Genk in Belgium tomorrow. After ...

“Car Free Split”: A Biking Affair to be Held in Split this September

Daniela Rogulj

Association Sunce invites you to the 5th “Splitska Biciklijada” – a Split bicycle affair and “Car Free Day”. The event ...

MAGfestival Opens Tonight with Ars Longa at the Museum of Split

Daniela Rogulj

This year’s MAGfestival opens tonight, August 27th, at the City Museum of Split. At 20h, the brilliant ensemble Ars Longa, ...


In Split With a Craving for Chocolate? We Know Just Where to Take You

Daniela Rogulj

It’s the weekend and as we don’t really need an excuse, weekends prove best for some cheat-eating. When the sugar ...

The Closing Night for One of the Best Parties Just Outside of Split: Barbarinac, the Island of Love

Daniela Rogulj

The successful 3rd season for the popular dance party on the island of love, Barbarinac, slowly comes to an end ...

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Ella Dvornik Warns: If you encounter these young men who are cheating tourists in Split, call the police!

Daniela Rogulj

Ella Dvornik warned the public on her Facebook profile yesterday about three young men in Split who are allegedly raising ...

Split: The Most Beautiful and the Most Smelly – How Do We Solve Our “Dog Problem” in Split?

Daniela Rogulj

Something I have been tempted to write about for quite some time now is the, er, dog problem in Split. ...

This October An Adventure Event Takes Place Across Dalmatia: Meet “Dalmacija Ultra Trail”

Daniela Rogulj

An adventure event across Dalmatia will take place for the first time this year. Meet “Dalmacija Ultra Trail” premiering this ...

Festa Vina Jelsa: The Big Weekend Starts Tonight!

Total Croatia News

Jelsa’s big weekend starts tonight! We start in front of the Municipal House in Jelsa with the Opening Ceremony and ...