43 Tonnes of Paper Collected and Recycled by Elementary School Students in Pula

Total Croatia News

Children are the best ambassadors when it comes to nature preservation and environmental practices

The Association ‘Green Istria’ (Zelena Istra) has been implementing an action of paper collection in elementary schools in Pula for six years now. In order to encourage the students and the staff, the association has launched a competition named ‘Let’s Recycle in School’, awarding those schools in Pula that have collected the most used paper, reports Glas Istre on January 24, 2018.

This year, the award went to the students of the Elementary School ‘Centar’ who collected no less than nine tonnes of used paper, and whose wish was to be provided with a new projector that would come in handy during classes.

“We have showed we’re diligent when it comes to preserving our environment. In fact, we’ve been showing it for the last six years, and we’ll continue to do so. Apart from collecting paper, we’ve had plenty of activities related to this project, aiming to raise awareness of the importance of ecology among our students. I’m sure we’ll stay on track and further our progress”, said Loreta Ribarić, the acting headmistress of the Elementary School ‘Centar’.

During the last school year, nine elementary schools from Pula have joined the initiative, along with the Children’s Home ‘Ruža Petrović’. Green Istria wanted to properly reward all of their efforts, so they gifted a computer not only to the winning school, but also to the schools Kaštanjer and Tone Peruško. Other participating schools and the children’s home were granted consolation prizes – various sports equipment and books.

Since the competition was first launched six years ago, the students and teachers in Pula collected a total of 43 tonnes of paper that were later taken to the company Metis to be recycled. Representatives of Green Istria have rightfully stated that children truly make the best ambassadors when it comes to exemplary environmental practices and nature preservation. Bravo! 


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