
Irish Comedian Dylan Moran Performing in Split and Zagreb

Total Croatia News

Moran returns to Croatia with his new stand-up act “Off the Hook”

The Bloggers of Croatia: The Team from Go Hvar

Total Croatia News

Continuing TCN’s look at the best bloggers in Croatia, whose words and impressions about Croatia are read all over the ...

Big Heart in Dubrovnik: How a Modest Boy Reminded Us What Love Is About

Total Croatia News

A small boy with a large heart with a love story to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2016.

Game of Thrones Storyboard Artist Will Simpson in Dubrovnik

Total Croatia News

Another GOT team member visits the real Kings Landing

Star Wars Episode VIII Filming in Dubrovnik, Croatia: Dates and Locations Revealed

Total Croatia News

Star Wars fan? Dubrovnik is the place to be next month.

Ovations for Swan Lake in Dubrovnik

Lauren Simmonds

A ballet extravaganza in Dubrovnik last night.

Jelsa Star Stars as Hvar Celebrates Carnival in Style

Total Croatia News

A quite brilliant sketch to mark the Carnival in Jelsa on Hvar. A commentary through the eyes of a foreigner ...

The Day May Be Over, But The Year Of Saint Blaise Continues

Lauren Simmonds

Lowering the flag of St. Blaise at noon on February 7, 2016 ended the 1044th consecutive Festivity of St. Blaise, ...

Massive Attack to Open This Year’s Dimensions Festival in Pula

Total Croatia News

Trip hop legends from Bristol, Massive Attack, will open this year’s edition of Dimensions festival, organisers announced on February 6, ...

Doctor Needed for One of Croatia’s Most Beautiful Islands

Total Croatia News

Above average pay, room and board and most beautiful scenery in the world