March 4, 2020 – One of the most renowned architects in the world, Smiljan Radić from Chile and his partner, the Chilean sculptress Marcela Correa started working on their art installation called “The Drops”, which is to be installed permanently on the tops of the hills above Baška on the Krk Island.
Smiljan Radić is Chilean, but with Croatian roots, and his art creation is to be installed on Krk as a part of the Rijeka 2020 and the program Lungomare Art, tportal writes. The sculptures will be placed next to the dry stone walls locally called mrgari (and by locally I mean that I’ve never heard of the word before today, having been born and raised in Croatia). Mrgari are the functional structures created by the dry stone walls, to limit the movement of sheep and protect the plants within them, built to create the shape of a flower. There are only two places in Croatia where you can find them, on Krk and on the neighbouring island on Prvić, and on two more places in the world: on Iceland and in Wales.
Photo by: Kristijan Vučković
Smiljan Radić’s and Marcela Correa’s installation next to the walls will put the additional accent on the area, already well-known to both locals and tourists, while at the same time respecting the values and the structure of the walls, and without aiming to dominate over them by their shapes or materials. The final installation is planned for October of this year, but the creation of the installation has already begun, in partnership with the Croatian company Bokart from Dugo Selo near Zagreb. The drops will get to Baška in trucks, and then will be put on the hill with the helicopter assistance. Currently, the work that’s being performed is the creation of the models for the glass, which needs to undergo several months of drying.