Enormous Osijek Jabil Centre Completed

Lauren Simmonds

osijek jabil centre
Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL

August the 16th, 2024 – The huge Osijek Jabil centre has finally been completed. Over fifteen months of work, over 1000 people from 140 companies were involved.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the brand new Osijek Jabil centre is complete, and it symbolises the company’s continued commitment to innovation, sustainability and providing end-to-end manufacturing solutions to its customers. It covers an area spanning ​​47,938 square metres and boasts the most modern infrastructure.

That includes a production plant spanning an area of ​​22,296 square metres, 10,684 square metres, of storage space; and a technical facility covering an area of ​​2,972 square metres. The Osijek Jabil centre was constructed to support clients in regulated industries such as the automotive and transportation industries, as well as healthcare.

log expert

The Osijek Jabil centre project was developed by Log Expert, a leader in the field of large-scale construction projects. Over 1000 people from 140 different companies worked on it over a period of fifteen months. Within the new Osijek Jabil centre itself is equipment for surface mount technology for printed circuit board assemblies, automated system-level assembly, functional testing, packaging and much more. In the future, the plan is to add injection molding machines, which will further expand the centre’s overall production capabilities.

ambitious plans for eastern croatia with the new osijek jabil centre

Victor Manuel Morales, Regional Director for Operations Development, expressed his gratitude to Jabil’s national and local government representatives and partners: “We’re delighted that our ambitious plans for Osijek have finally come true. Thanks to the support of our partners, we’re ready to start production and begin a new phase for this exciting project”. The Jabil company otherwise employs more than 15,000 people in 14 countries across Europe, and the new Osijek centre is Jabil’s first greenfield investment in Europe in the last 20 years.

Morales also emphasized the strategic importance of the new centre: “Owing to the highly qualified and educated workforce, the proximity to several key markets and state-of-the-art infrastructure, Jabil’s centre in Osijek is fully prepared to meet the needs of our clients. All of us at Jabil are excited about working with local partners, providing high-quality jobs and contributing to the long-term economic development of the region. We look forward to further growth and development of the centre and our presence in general here in Croatia”.

The official opening of Jabil’s centre of excellence for production in Osijek will take place later this year.


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