Croatia Has Cheapest Agricultural Land in EU

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Eurostat has established that one hectare of farmland in the Netherlands cost as much as €69,632 in 2019, noting that all Dutch regions are above the average of other EU countries.

Croatia had the cheapest arable land, with the price of one hectare being €3,440 in 2020.

Among the regions, the most expensive are the Spanish Canary Islands, where one hectare of arable land in 2020 cost €120,447.


Sweden’s Oevre Norrland was the cheapest, with a hectare of agricultural land costing only €1,822 in 2020.

Eurostat did not have data for Germany, Portugal and Cyprus.

In the period from 2011 to 2020 the price of farmland grew the most in Romania and the Czech Republic, more than five times.

Prices of farmland grew significantly also in Estonia and Lithuania, as well as in Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland.

Farmland prices grew also in other EU countries albeit less, the only exception being Greece, where farmland in 2020 was as much as 18% cheaper than in 2011.

Eurostat had data for Croatia only for the period from 2015 to 2020, and they show that the price of farmland in that period grew 26.2%.

Croatia in the company of Baltic countries

Renting agricultural land was most expensive in Italy, an average €837 per hectare annually. The Netherlands was close, with an average €819 a year.

Among the regions, the highest average price of farmland rent was reported in 2020 in Italy’s Friuli-Venezia-Giulia at €1,714 per hectare.

In Croatia, renting a hectare of agricultural land in 2020 cost €73. Latvia and Estonia followed, with €71 and 76 respectively.

Renting agricultural land was cheapest in Slovakia, a mere €57 per hectare annually.  


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