Is Formula 1 Coming to Croatia? Say Hello to Croatia Ring

Lauren Simmonds

croatia ring

June the 8th, 2024 – The future Croatia Ring could be a reality by the year 2027. Could Formula 1 be coming to Croatia?

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, aside from the fact that the Croatia Ring will be a big deal for Croatian auto-moto sports, the construction of the new track should significantly revive the part of Croatia it will be located in economically.

According to the latest information, by 2027, Croatia should get a completely new racetrack named Croatia Ring. The plan is for the upcoming Croatia Ring track will meet all the criteria and standards of Formula 1. It will be possible to organise the most prestigious auto-moto races at the global level. According to the currently available information, the Croatia Ring project has been included in the list of national projects of strategic importance at the meeting of the Committee for the Assessment and Determination of Strategic Projects. It is expected that the implementation of this exciting but demanding project will begin soon.

The Croatia Ring track will be constructed in the Lapovac – Blagaj locality near the gorgeous village of Slunj. Since 2022, the project has been included in the spatial plan of Karlovac County. This means that all administrative steps have already been prepared for the realisation of the project. In other words, everything is ready to go as far as construction is concerned, and the investors are local companies from Croatia. They will not only finance the construction of the Croatia Ring track, but also cover all costs, which means that not a cent of public money will be spent, Index reports.

The new track will be completely different from the one at Grobnik with a more modern approach. The involvement of Jacques Villeneuve, the 1997 Formula 1 world champion, as a construction consultant will further emphasise the track’s ambition to become a top sporting facility. In addition to Villeneuve, numerous foreign experts were also hired to ensure that the track was built according to the highest possible global standards. This team of experts will be key to ensuring that the new track is not only technically demanding, but also safe and attractive for drivers and spectators.


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