When Will Croatian National Service Begin & How Long Will It Last?

Lauren Simmonds

croatian national service
Photo: Hrvoje Jelavic/PIXSELL

August the 18th, 2024 – Croatian national service has been a relatively hot topic since it resurfaced not so long ago. Just when will it begin, and how long will it last?

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the government will soon reconvene, and next Thursday the prime minister and ministers will get together. The Minister of Defence has finally revealed the date on which the introduction of mandatory Croatian national service will begin. He also stated that he and the Minister of Finance came to the conclusion that “there’s no room for trying to make savings when it comes to the equipment of the Croatian Armed Forces.”

key decisions regarding croatian national service have already been made

Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL

Minister of Defense Ivan Anušić revealed to RTL how long Croatian national service will go on for. It is set to start in January next year. He then delved further into how long it will last, as well as whether or not there will be cuts in his ministry due to the re-balancing of the state budget.

“there’s no room for trying to make savings when it comes to the armed forces”

Hrvoje Jelavic/PIXSELL

“Croatian national service will last for two months. It will start on January the 1st, 2025, and we’ll simply continue doing everything that we’ve already communicated with the public. We increased the salaries of soldiers and non-commissioned officers. We’ve also increased their material rights not only through personal income but also through daily wages and everything else they are entitled to,” Anušić told RTL.

He continued: “We are equipping and modernising the Croatian Armed Forces. We’re now organising them in the way that is expected of us and as we have agreed with our NATO allies and the powers that be within NATO. I think that we will have a much better and stronger image of the Armed Forces going forward with these alterations than we had before.

We spoke with the Minister of Finance Marko Primorac and came to the conclusion that there’s no room for savings when it comes to the modernisation and equipping of the Armed Forces. This is the position of the Croatian Government and all those politics, because the security circumstances in which we find ourselves do not allow us to try to make savings on this front,” he concluded.


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