Croatian National Tourist Board Launches New Slogan in London

Total Croatia News

“Croatia Full of Life” comes to life on the Thames

Croatian National Tourist Board officially launched its new slogan “Croatia Full of Life” in the very heart of London on Thursday, October 1st 2015. with a grand presentation for 100 representatives of leading UK media. 


Minister of tourism Darko Lorencin and director of the Croatian National Tourist Board Ratomir Ivičić were present, as well as the Croatia Prime Minister Zoran Milanović who didn’t forget to comment on the importance of the UK market for Croatian tourism: “I am very happy I was able to join you today after my meeting with your Prime Minister, and I would like to invite you all to come and explore our beautiful country, and not just during the summer” – Milanović added.

Pri Minister Zoran Milanović and West Ham coach Slaven Bilić

Prime Minister Milanović and West Ham coach Slaven Bilić before the presentation

Considering this was the launch of a brand new communication and advertising platform, event was organised on a boat on the river Thames, east of the Tower Bridge. A full scale artificial island was specially designed to depict the elements of Croatian cultural heritage and natural beauty and all guests were able to take guided tours of the island in small groups.

This event was the first joint activity organised by PR and advertising agencies selected on the international tender in December 2015 ( Grayling, BBDO Croatia, UK and Spain). Total cost of the event was 420 000 Ł.

Presentation of the new slogan was accompanied by a full presentation of the Croatian gastro offer, guests were greeted by Alkar guards and klapa music and the whole presentation was rounded off with the performance of some of the world renowned DJs that perform in Croatia during our summer music festivals.

“Today is not just about the new slogan, we are presenting a new platform and our goal is to shift the current perception of our guests who believe Croatia is just a country of sun and sea. We are here to show them we can offer much more, throughout the year” said Minister Lorencin. 


 Photos: Twitter 



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