Croatian Tourism and Hospitality Services 10% More Expensive

Lauren Simmonds

croatian tourism and hospitality services

July the 17th, 2024 – It probably won’t come as much of a shock to most that Croatian tourism and hospitality services have gone up. They’re more or less 10 percent more expensive than they were back in 2023.

As Jadranka Dozan/Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the prices of goods for personal consumption in the middle of this year were on average 1.3 percent more expensive than a year ago. At the same time, the price of services rose by 5.5 percent, and the result of such developments is a total inflation of 2.4 percent, the Central Bureau of Statistics confirmed in the second assessment of the consumer price index for June 2024.

Aside from the confirmation of the continued slowdown of inflation (back in May it stood at 3.3 percent), this annual rate is the lowest in the last 36 months.

The completed data for the so-called basket of goods and services on which statistical calculations of inflation are based also confirmed that the general level of prices in June remained the same as in May.

On the one hand, slightly higher prices were recorded for services (with a meagre increase of 0.6 percent) and food, beverages and tobacco (0.3 percent). This was neutralised by a drop in energy prices by 1.1 percent and non-food industrial products by 0. 2 percent.

croatian tourism and hospitality services see a marked increase, as expected

Considering the fact that we’re now firmly in the summer tourist season, the category of restaurants and hotels (2.9 percent) and recreation and culture (1.6 percent) led the way in monthly growth, as was expected.

In contrast, communications and transportation experienced the largest monthly price decline (by 1.2 and 2.1 percent, respectively). Even when looking at annual comparisons, the largest increase in prices, by 9.6 percent on average, was recorded in restaurants and hotels (Croatian tourism and hospitality services). Alongside that, the prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages increased by an average of 1.8 percent.

According to the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) as a measure of inflation used in comparisons with other EU Member States, the inflation rate here in Croatia remains slightly higher than according to the national index. In June, it stood at 3.5 percent, which is about one percentage point higher than the Eurozone average. According to the HICP, the monthly price increase nationwide was 0.8 percent.


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