Delegation of Ministries and County Lays Wreath at Vukovar Memorial Cemetery

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The delegation was led by Defence Minister Mario Banožić and included Vukovar-Srijem County Prefect Damir Dekanić, who called for unity.

“With a joint wreath we send a message of unity, a message that no one can joke with or belittle those who gave their lives for Vukovar, Vinkovci, the entire Slavonia, a message to all authorities in Croatia that we must keep together if we want to resist challenges which await us in the coming period, especially in terms of keeping people in this area,” said Dekanić.

Asked by reporters why there were no representatives of the City of Vukovar in the delegation, Dekanić said that “it is simply a joint agreement and a joint message from the ministries and the county” and that he, as well as other county representatives, would attend protocol celebrations of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day wherever they manage to.

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