April 5, 2020 – As social distancing restricts public gatherings, Croatian masses are also affected. A lovely gesture for Father Marko Stefanec from his Catholic flock in Hamilton, Canada.
One of the many consequences on the new restrictions on social gatherings is the lack of public attendance by Croatian communities both here and in the diaspora at Holy Mass on Sundays. With Easter next week, this will be particularly difficult for many Croatians. who are a very devout Catholic nation.
I received two messages two on the subject:
Hi Paul, need a favor. My mother lives in Australia and is missing going to Sunday mass service. Do you know if there is any Croatian radio station that broadcast a mass in Croatian? If yes can you please share the radio station and the time. Stay safe and healthy. Marica
If anyone can help Marica, please contact me on news@total-croatia-news.com Subject Mass, and I will forward details.
It seems that the Croatian Catholic community in Hamilton, Canada, may have one option, with live YouTube masses. And I received this lovely note about a tribute to the community’s Father Marko Stefanec, which I publish in full.
Dear Editor,
Holy Cross Croatian parish of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, recently did a surprise thank you video to our pastor, Father Marko Štefanec who has been instrumental in organizing Live YouTube Masses each day. Each week, over 15,000 computers and devices are logging in to our parish YouTube page.
Holy Cross parish was founded in 1958 and is among Canada’s largest ethnic Croatian parishes. Father Marko is the fourth pastor of this parish and was appointed pastor last year after the retirement of Father Marijan Mihoković. Our founding Pastor is the late Monsignor Stjepan Šprajc who was succeeded by Father Franjo Šprajc.
Holy Cross parish has 1400 registered families, most of whom are immigrants from Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and their children and grandchildren.
Given the restrictions on travel and social gatherings in Canada, we managed to get over 125 families to send in selfies while watching Mass.
You can check out the video here:
We continue to pray for the people of Zagreb in the aftermath of the earthquakes and for the entire world as we struggle with the COVID-19 epidemic!
Thank you for getting Croatian news out to the entire world! God Bless.
Ivan Luksic
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
For more news from the Croatian diaspora, follow the dedicated TCN diaspora section.