Stone Doors – A Poem By Katarina Bučić

Katarina Bucic

katarina bučić
Katarina Bučić

October the 17th, 2024 – Katarina Bučić is a writer and poet born and raised in Toronto, Canada by first generation Croatian immigrants. She is now living in Zadar, Croatia.

Katarina Bučić has a long history in creative arts and has a specific passion for poetry. She has taken part in many creative projects and with her recent move to Croatia, her love for her new home has inspired her most recent poetry project, The Heart of Croatia. 

“The Heart of Croatia is guided by my experience of moving from the Western culture of Canada to the deeply historic and magical Croatia. This country has given me a second life. Her beauty overwhelms me, her history devastates me, and her abundance inspires me. Join me in my tribute to this country I now call home and in the evolution of my experiences, and my immersion in her magnificence.” 

We build walls 

where there used to be doors 

This is the consequence 

of so many wars 

The hardening, 

anything soft hidden in drawers 

Love written in letters 

underneath carpeted floors 

Bad things don’t happen in threes, 

they happen in fours 

When destiny abandons you 

washes you up on shore 

It’s dangerous outside, 

so stay indoors 

Until the fight is over 

and peace restores. 

Wherever you visit in Croatia, you are always reminded of war. Crumbs of horror are sprinkled across this country. There may be many modern homes and villas, but in their orbits are just as many ruins and abandoned homes. Croatia seems to currently be in this interesting space between history and opportunity, the old and the new. This beautiful country has the potential of many sunny and optimistic days ahead, but in the background always lurks the shadows of its past oppression.


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