Forest Fire on Korcula: Please Be Careful and Vigilant

Total Croatia News

A forest fire broke out yesterday on Korcula. With this extreme heat, please be vigilant and careful. 

A forest fire broke out on the southern side of the island of Korcula last night. Many thanks to Michael Fuhrmann for sending us pictures of the tragic scene from the island of Lastovo. According to Michael, he first saw the smoke from the boat to Lastovo about 18:00, and the lead picture above was taken at 21:00 last night.  

The heroic Canadair pilots were busy tackling the fire, and many thanks to Martina Marelic for taking these pictures from near Smokvica of the fire-fighting operation. 

 Michael’s photo below, taken at dawn this morning, shows the island still smouldering. If anyone has more information about the fire, please contact us at and we will update the article. 

In this extreme heat, devastating fires can start due to carelessness, and last year on the island of Hvar, for example, some 40,000m2 of forest was lost when a barbecue got out of control. 

For some very practical and sensible tips to prevent fire, click here.


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