Illegal Construction in Istria: 120 Buildings Removed

Lauren Simmonds

illegal construction istria

January the 17th, 2025 – Illegal construction in Istria is as much of an issue as it is down in Dalmatia, but it seems it’s finally coming to a head. Thus far, 120 buildings have been removed across the country’s largest peninsula.

Croatia deals with many sometimes rather bizarre issues. Spanning demography to the economy, to political scandals and beyond, this country has a lot on its plate at any given time, and historically always has. One thing binds most of these issues, and that’s money. Croatia’s heavy reliance on foreign income generated through tourism and travel leaves it open to all kinds of creative greed, and the illegal construction of buildings is one of the issues the coastline in particular faces.

Dalmatia is tragically infamous for the wanton destruction of stunning natural beauty to make way for the completely illegal springing up of all kinds of buildings. It’s also well known at this point that greed will even push people so far as to claim beaches are private, and pour concrete over the coast’s iconic rugged rocks to make way for a stronger questionable cash flow.

With the powers that be finally putting a firm stop to such environmentally devastating practices, we can see that illegal construction in Istria is being dealt with swiftly.

As Morski writes, approximately 80 illegal buildings across Istria County have now been removed by the owners themselves, with the construction inspectors removing the remaining 40, according to a report from local portal Istra24/Istria24.

Just this week, one of the phases of the demolition of illegal construction in Istria, more specifically in the vicinity of Mandriol, was completed. The plan was to demolish 120 of them by order of the inspectors, but as stated above, it’s being claimed that 80 such buildings were demolished by the owners themselves. The demolition was supervised by the police, and the area finally looks completely different after the demolition of these illegal structures.

The hope is now that nature will slowly but surely take over the plots where these buildings stood, and that the natural beauty for which Istria is so famed will return once again.


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