The Future is Here: Insect Flour Approved for Sale in Croatia

Katarina Anđelković

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Can you imagine a grasshopper, a mealworm, or a house beetle on your plate? From next week, in the form of insect flour, you’ll be able to find them on the shelves of shops throughout Croatia, writes Dnevnik.

The European Food Safety Agency has approved insects as a food product and included them in the “novel food” category. This approval could pave the way for other insects, such as grasshoppers, ants, crickets, flies, and larvae.

“First, we had to get approval at the level of regulatory status to call it a new food,” explained nutritionist Darija Vranešić Bender and pointed out: “They contain a lot of protein, from 55 to 85 percent of protein in 100 grams, which would be significantly more than compared to meat, beef, chicken and so on.”

Aleksander Gavrilović is the owner of the first certified insect factory, and his flour is waiting to be sold. The taste, he says, can vary: “If you feed the animal with chocolate the day before, you will get a chocolate flavour. Give them chocolate, apples, blackberries – you’ll get all those flavours. You can use the flour to make anything – pancakes, bread, cakes.”

It is quite powdery under your fingers, it looks similar to cocoa powder, and the smell is pure chocolate, Dnevnik Nova TV reporter Sara Duvnjak described her impressions.

Vranešić believes that no matter how traditional Croatian people are, they are becoming more and more open to new cuisines: “If we look at other civilizations, they have consumed such foods in abundance for quite a long time. We call it entomophagy.

In certain Asian countries, insects are used as a crunchy dessert that, most importantly, does not cause weight gain. The nutritionist explains why: “They are of a relatively favourable fat content, which is approximately 20 to 30 percent, and a lot of that are unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which are also beneficial for our health”.

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