Made in Croatia

Where are all the Prosciutto Lovers Heading This Weekend? To Drniš, of Course!
Don’t miss the 2. Drniš prosciutto festival today and tomorrow
Croatian Artists in the Museum of Modern Art in New York
A chance for New York art lovers to enjoy a taste of Croatian inspiration.
Kraš Wafers to Enter McDonald’s Restaurants Around the World?
More Croatian innovation for McDonalds?
Croatian Designers Selected Among the 200 Best Product Packaging Designers in the World
More international recognition for Croatian innovation.

From Solin to Sarajevo: Ivan Mrvos Smart Bench Goes International
(Photo credit: HINA) A young Croatian innovator goes international.

Meet Mladen Peharda, the Man Behind the Croatian Semi-Submarine
Visitors to the Adriatic coast will have noticed a rise in sightings of red semi-submarines in top tourist destinations in ...
More Croatian Youth Innovation: A Smart Bench Phone Charger from Ivan Mrvos
(Photo credit Ivan Mrvoš) More Croatian innovation hits the international media – a smart bench from Solin which was first featured ...
First Craft Beer Party in Split – Hmeljovo 2015
The first craft beer party in Split. Space is VERY limited and tickets must be bought in advance.
Fishermen’s Conversations from Hvar to Make Croatian Premiere at Vukovar Film Festival
A much-anticipated film about life in a remote fishing community in Dalmatia will have its Croatian premiere at the Vukovar ...

A Croatian Global Success Story: Meet Andrija Čolak, CEO of Surf ‘n’ Fries
Meet one of Croatia’s most successful entrepreneurs, Andrija Čolak.