Dobrovic: There Was Pressure Regarding Construction Of Wind Parks

Total Croatia News



ZAGREB, June 2, 2020 – Slaven Dobrovic, a former minister of energy and environment, on Tuesday, said that there had been pressure regarding the construction of wind parks.

“Yes, there was pressure,” Dobrovic said replying to reporters.

He added that it was important to “keep up” developing that project in an effort to retain a high level of subsidies for electricity produced by wind parks. He underscored that 14 years of exploitation and subsidies amount to close to HRK 1 billion, which is also a big business motive.

“A state that uses subsidies as a tool for, in this case increasing the level of renewable energy sources, must not do that by ensuring an extremely high profit for someone. That is what occurred in this case. There was pressure, but I stood firmly by the stance of professionals and that was the decision we issued,” said Dobrovic, a minister whose term in office ended when the Bridge party was ousted from the ruling coalition government.

Dobrovic made this statement at a press conference with a few other former Bridge members who have joined the slates of Miroslav Skoro’s Homeland Movement.

Skoro told the press conference that Dobrovic, Ruzica Vukovac, and Vlado Maric were the movement’s new strength and that they will empower the movement with regard to agriculture, environment protection, and Croatian veterans.


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