Following Brexit, Croatia to Receive One Additional Seat in European Parliament?

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, January 23, 2018 – The European Parliament Committee on Constitutional Affairs on Tuesday voted on the future composition of the parliament after 73 seats are vacated following Brexit, suggesting that Croatia be allocated with one more seat.

According to the committee’s proposal, the number of members in the 2019 – 2024 European Parliament would be reduced from the current 751 to 705.

Of the 73 seats held by Great Britain, 46 would be kept in reserve to be reallocated to new countries joining the EU and to MEPs elected on all-European slates. The remaining 27 British seats would be redistributed among 14 member states that are currently underrepresented in the Parliament.

An additional seat is supposed to be allotted to Croatia, bringing the total number of Croatian MEPs to 12. France would be given the most additional seats increasing from 74 to 79.

The Lisbon Agreement defines that the highest number of MEPs in the European Parliament can be 751 as many as there is currently.

The European Parliament will take a vote on the committee’s proposal next month and member states have to unanimously uphold that decision.


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