Ousted SDP Members Can’t Be in Parliamentary Group, Main Committee Decides

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SDP Hrvatske Official Facebook Page
SDP Hrvatske Official Facebook Page

Main Committee chair Marija Lugarić told the press that 58 members voted for the decision, eight were against and five abstained.

She would not say what would happen to the MPs who voted against the ousting of Nikša Vukas, Zvane Brumnić, Rajko Ostojić and Marina Opačak Bilić from the parliamentary group at a group meeting expected on Wednesday nor if they too would be ousted from the party.

Besides those four, another 14 SDP MPs signed a document against ousting the four from the parliamentary group, which means that SDP leader Peđa Grbin has 18 of the party’s 32 MPs against him.


Grbin: SDP’s leadership and policy can be only one

He said the majority by which the Main Committee decision was adopted “shows that there are no doubts in the SDP as to the direction the party should take. That also shows that the SDP leadership is not divided and that the SDP’s leadership and policy can be only one.”

Grbin said he could not predict what would happen at the parliamentary group meeting, but that everyone would decide for themselves if they wanted to be part of the team or not.

Asked if he would see a possible rift within the parliamentary group as his political defeat, Grbin said he would be very sorry if any SDP member were to decide not to be part of the team any longer.

He said the MPs “who decide not to implement the Main Committee’s decision will be saying that they don’t want to be part of the team called the SDP.” 

Grbin said Vukas, Brumnić, Ostojić and Opačak Bilić were ousted from the SDP because “we were faced with serious manipulation not befitting a serious political party.”

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