Šimunić: I Published Recording of My Conversation with Tušek in Public Interest

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“Where in the world is it normal to offer a man who works in the telecommunications sector the post of head of the Medvednica Nature Park or to be in charge of an economy department? I am not competent for that,” Šimunić told the N1 broadcaster, speaking about why he had decided to make and publish the audio recording of his conversation with Tušek, which took place in Oroslavje.

He said that during their meeting, which happened in a holiday cottage of Oroslavje mayor Emil Gredičak on 16 January, Tušek, who is a member of parliament and heads the HDZ Krapina-Zagorje County branch, offered him covert help during the campaign in local elections in May as well as managerial posts in public institutions in exchange for his post-election support for the HDZ platform.

Šimunić said that he had had similar conversations with other parties in Krapina-Zagorje County but that he did not record them.

He said that his having recorded the conversation with Tušek was not a trap but that he opted for it because he had “read about all kinds of scandals implicating Tušek.”

Šimunić said that he had been analysing the work of local government for a year and that by accepting the post he had been offered, he would have undone everything he had done so far.

Šimunić was visibly emotional while speaking about the motive for publishing the recording, saying that he did so for his nephews and country and to make people realise that Croatia was full of potential but that there was no end to corruption.

He said that his conscience was clear and that he did not know if he would run in the local elections but that he would continue working on his analysis of local government.

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