Pulapromet: Free Public Transport When Croatia Plays

Lauren Simmonds


June the 16th, 2024 – There will be free public transport when Croatia plays offered by Pulapromet, here’s how to access it and find out where it’s possible.

The Euros are finally here and Croatian fans are gearing up to support the country’s fantastic team this year. The beautiful Istrian city of Pula has arranged for the free transport of Croatia fans using the Pulapromet transport company.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, on the days during which Croatia is playing, all persons who have Croatian fan props or who are wearing Croatian colours to support the national team will be allowed free entry on buses on regular lines in Pula two hours before and two hours after the end of the match, as Pulapromet reveals.

The first match according to the schedule took place yesterday at 18:00 when Croatia played against Spain. Four days later, on June the 19th, the match where Croatia will face Albania is set to follow. The last match will be on June the 24th at 21:00 against Italy, according to local portal The Voice of Istria/Glas Istre.


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