Total Croatia News launches: ECO Croatia

Total Croatia News

Today Total Croatia News launches their newest project – Total ECO Croatia, a site focused on highlighting all things environmental.

We aim to cover all manners of topics from events to initiatives, local organisations, eco-tourism, policies, lifestyle – i.e. simple daily hacks to living a more eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle…

It may sound like the ‘hot word’ of the day, but sustainability is the direction the world is moving, it is the direction we need to be moving, which is why we want to bring sustainability and environmental matters into the spotlight.

There are already a tonne of positive actions and movements happening throughout the country; we intend to bring all of this information together in one place, to raise awareness about environmental issues and to give exposure to people and events who may not otherwise have a platform.

We will be working with locals and organisations, with the intent to promote and encourage greater awareness and actions to ‘Keep Croatia Beautiful’.

If you know of an event, initiative or organisation that you feel should be covered, we would love to hear from you; or better yet, if you are a passionate Eco-warrior with a flair for the written word and are interested in contributing, please get in touch.


Collaboration is King, let’s work together to create a vehicle for positive change.


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