More Croatian Arrivals in September 2022 Than September 2019

Lauren Simmonds

Updated on:

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Crnjak writes, This year’s DHT manifestation is being held in the City of Sibenik this year and kicked off in the atmosphere of a good season that filled the budgets and coffers of the tourism sector. Grants from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPOO) in the total value of 2.2 billion kuna for public and private sector projects are also about to be implemented, for which tenders were announced very recently and will remain open until February 2023.

Those figures on tourist traffic in September are encouraging as the number of Croatian arrivals that month surpassed those of the record year of 2019 by one percentage point in terms of the number of overnight stays realised. According to data from Croatia’s eVisitor system, during September this year, 2.2 million Croatian arrivals and 12.9 million overnight stays were achieved across the country. This is equal to 16 percent more arrivals and 7 percent more overnight stays than in September 2021. Compared to September 2019, 95 percent of arrivals and 101 percent of overnight stays were achieved, equal to one percent more overnight stays realised than in September 2019.

In the first nine months of 2022, there were 17.2 million Croatian arrivals and 99.7 million overnight stays realised, that is, 37 percent more arrivals and 24 percent more overnight stays than last year.


“This year, we’re going to be placing special focus on the importance of developing sustainable tourism, as well as on doing sustainable business in Europe as the most competitive regional tourism market in the entire world. There can be no competitive tourism without high-quality and professional personnel, therefore we’re giving the opportunity to young high school students who will present their own projects and solutions as to how tourism can combine tradition and new technologies in a very innovative way, as well as offer challenges and solutions.

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