Velika Gorica Introduces Free Public Transportation For All

Lauren Simmonds

velika gorica public transportation

August the 1st, 2024 – Velika Gorica is the sixth largest city in Croatia, and all of its public transportation is now free for everyone.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Velika Gorica near Zagreb was recently included among the cities which offers free public transportation. As the sixth largest city in the Republic of Croatia, Velika Gorica is now the largest city with such a free public service in the country.

“The provider of the communal line passenger transport service in the area of ​​the City of Velika Gorica is the trading company Autotrans d.d. from Cres. It’s a member of the wider Arriva Group, with whom a contract has been concluded for a period of seven years.

Public transportation by buses of the aforementioned carrier within the territory of the City of Velika Gorica is free for all passengers, regardless of whether they’re citizens of Velika Gorica or other settlements nationwide”, the administrative body of that city recently revealed.

Velika Gorica and Arriva recently signed a seven-year contract on communal line transport worth 20.5 million euros without VAT. That amounts to a little less than three million euros per year. It’s worth noting that the amount of this year’s budget for Velika Gorica is a record one, totalling over than 122 million euros, according to a report from N1.


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