alka 300
Everything is ready for the New York Exhibition of the Sinj Alka
We already informed about the planned exhibition to take place at the UN office in New York as a cooperation ...

The 300th Alka in Amazing Pictures
For those who were present, the memory of the 300th Alka will probably never fade. And for the rest of ...

Frano Ivković – Winner of the 300th Alka Tournament
For months, through various events, presentations and celebrations the whole Sinj and Croatia have been waiting for this day – ...
After the recent 20th anniversary commemorations of Operation Storm, today sees another historical remembrance dating much further back in the ...

300 Moustaches for 300 years of Sinj Alka
With only 6 days to go until the Alka tournament in Sinj will be held for the 300th time, many ...

Ana Rucner at Alkarski Dvori in Sinj Tonight
The famous Croatian cellist Ana Rucner will perform at Alkarski Dvori tonight July 26, 2015 at 21:00. As it is ...

Days of the Alka and the Assumption – Full Program
The final program for these very busy days in Sinj has been released and we thank the Sinj tourist board ...

Inside the Alka Museum with the Prime Minister
A large delegation from Zagreb visiting the almost finished Sinj Alka Museum today. Prime Minister Zoran Milanović walked through the ...

Amazing Alka Parade was in Split Tonight.
An historic event tonight as the Alka Parade entered the Split waterfront to present their 300 years old tradition to ...