
Valamar Riviera, Atlantic and Croatian Telecom Have Best Relations With Investors

Lauren Simmonds

Awards for Croatian companies for their relations with investors.

One of Four Potential Uljanik Investors Steps Down

Lauren Simmonds

Minister Darko Horvat revealed that Smart Holding, Fincantieri, Royal IHC and Damen were all interested in the heavily burdened Uljanik, ...

American Entrepreneur Investing 500 Million Euro in Pašman Island

Lauren Simmonds

One island in the Zadar region is about to get a large cash injection filled with American dollars…

Uhljebistan Strikes Again? Croatian Railways Worker Highlights Stupidity

Lauren Simmonds

Croatian Railways gets an unflattering rundown on social media by one of its deeply dissatisfied employees.

Uljanik Management Admits No Solution for Wage Payment

Lauren Simmonds

Uljanik’s unenviable woes continue.

Seven Croatian Companies on List of Fastest Growing in Central Europe

Lauren Simmonds

More Croatian companies go from strength to strength!

Company for Works on Krk Bridge Chosen

Lauren Simmonds

The Rijeka-Zagreb Motorway has chosen the best bidder for the very comprehensive job.

With 14.9% Sales Growth, IKEA Croatia is Third Best in Europe

Lauren Simmonds

The wildly popular IKEA Croatia continues to operate well.

American Entrepreneurs Seek Investment Opportunities in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia is of particular interest to several…

Seven Stars Awarded to Croatia Airlines!

Lauren Simmonds

Of the other airlines flying into Croatia, Ryanair and Norwegian both received a lower than four star rating.