
Eko Taxi Announces Cheaper Services and 15 Million Kuna Investment

Lauren Simmonds

Cheaper services and a large investment are on the cards for the company which holds thirty percent of the capital’s ...

Deichmann Sells Over 1.7 Million Shoes in Croatia in 2017

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for Deichmann!

Fabris Peruško: ”The Way Franck is Acting Reminds Me of Kindergarten”

Lauren Simmonds

Franck isn’t happy with Agrokor’s extraordinary commissioner, and in turn, he isn’t all that impressed with Franck’s reactions, either.

Five Million Kuna for Drniš Hostel, Promina Road Renovations, Bike Tracks

Lauren Simmonds

Thanks to EU funds, Drniš gets a breath of new life and a potential slice of the tourism cake.

Croatia’s Nextbike Turns Sights Towards Slovenia and Serbia

Lauren Simmonds

Big interest within the wider region for one piece of highly sought-after Croatian innovation.

Austrian Furniture Chain to Open Branch in Zagreb

Lauren Simmonds

A touch of Austria is set to grace the Croatian capital, and bring employment opportunities with it.

Chinese Investor and Zadar Entrepreneur Team Up in Name of Electric Vehicles

Lauren Simmonds

Green Tech Group has signed a 16 million kuna contract with the municipality for the sale of 53 hectares of ...

Small Croatian Startup Grows into International Company

Lauren Simmonds

One Zagreb startup is well on its way to achieving its core mission.

Ante Gotovina’s Company Increases Revenue and Earnings, Aims for Further Investments

Lauren Simmonds

Ante Gotovina’s company has significant credit obligations, more than a massive 28 million kuna.

Croatian Roads Seek to Connect Korčula with Pelješac?

Lauren Simmonds

Could the beautiful island of Korčula soon be connected to the Pelješac peninsula?