
Five Most Dangerous Consequences of Agrokor Crisis for Citizens

Lauren Simmonds

The biggest corporate crisis in Croatia shook the whole country, but what consequences does it carry? Here are a few…

Marić On Arrests of Ex Colleagues: ”I Know These People, I Hope They Have Strength To Deal With This”

Lauren Simmonds

The finance minister comments on the arrests of his former Agrokor colleagues, wishing them well in their ordeal.

Plenković Talks About Main Benefits of Euro Introduction

Lauren Simmonds

What’s in it for the public, institutions and businesses?

Todorić: If There Is Any Responsibility To Be Taken, It Is Exclusively Mine!

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić, currently in the United Kingdom, has taken to his blog amid new goings on in the Agrokor crisis.

Sberbank Wins First Court Case Against Agrokor

Lauren Simmonds

A crushing blow to Croatia’s largest privately owned company as Russia’s Sberbank wins in its first court case against Agrokor.

Todorić Posts Press Release, Calls ”Aggression” Against Him Political Affair

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić posts a press release on his blog, in which he claims the aggression unleashed against him and his ...

Is Todorić More Powerful Than The State? Miljenić Reveals Agrokor Commission Plans

Lauren Simmonds

”We must be aware that as far as some things are concerned, Ivica Todorić and Agrokor were more powerful than ...

Fruit Twice As Expensive As Last Year, Threat Of Apple Shortage?

Lauren Simmonds

This year’s weird weather hasn’t done Croatia’s fruit stocks many favours…

Ex Agrokor Auditor No Longer Part of Baker Tilly International

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s ex auditor Baker Tilly Croatia has been dropped from Baker Tilly International.

Franković Requests Inspection of ”Illegal” Cable Car Operation, Notifies DORH

Lauren Simmonds

Dubrovnik’s Mayor has issued Excelsa Nekretnine with a firm ultimatum.