
Agrokor’s Ivica Todorić Wants Ante Ramljak Criminally Charged

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić and his blog strike again, and just like last time, Ante Ramljak is taking yet another cyber beating ...

Persuade on Purpose: Improve Your Presentation Skills – Find Out How in Split!

Total Croatia News

Need a hand in persuading someone? Head to Split for some tips!

Northern Croatia Rising: 75% of Medjimurjeplet’s Sales Made in EU

Lauren Simmonds

Some fantastic moves being made by one Northern Croatian company!

Euro to Take Kuna’s Place in 2022?

Lauren Simmonds

So long, kuna?

Todorić Takes to Blog Amid Series of New Agrokor Findings

Lauren Simmonds

The findings in the audit presented on Thursday have inspired a reaction from Todorić and his infamous blog.

Sberbank: ”Let Croatia Pay Agrokor’s Debt!”

Lauren Simmonds

”Since Croatia has nationalised Agrokor, it is now a government debt” stated Sberbank’s Maksim Poletaev.

No Grounds for Signing Concession: Decision on Gruž Terminal Made in Zagreb

Lauren Simmonds

There are no legal grounds for the signing of a concession with the French-Turkish consortium.

SDP and HDZ Reach Agreement for Commission on Agrokor

Lauren Simmonds

It was confirmed earlier this morning that an agreement between HDZ and SDP had finally been reached.

How Agrokor Crisis Caused Earthquake in Government and Entire Croatian Economy

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor has been the ”talk of the town” this year, but what exactly happened and how did we end up ...

Martina Dalić’s Emails Viewed, No Threats to Ivica Todorić Found

Lauren Simmonds

Despite the former Agrokor boss’ bold accusations, it would seem that no email threats from Martina Dalic have been found…