croatia medicine

Hospital in Split Denies Plans to File Lawsuit against MP

Total Croatia News

Reacting to an alleged lawsuit announced by the Clinical Hospital Centre (KBC) in Split against MP Ivana Ninčević Lesandrić of ...

First “IVF Baby” in Croatia Celebrates 35th Birthday

Total Croatia News

The IVF procedure in Zagreb was performed just five years after the world’s first procedure in Great Britain.

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Medical Tourism Bringing Hollywood Stars to Croatia

Total Croatia News

Armand Assante came to Zagreb for an eye surgery.

Treatment of Women in Hospitals in Focus

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, October 15, 2018 – Representatives of the Roda parent association on Monday presented the Health Ministry with the testimonies ...

Medieval Practices at Croatian Hospitals Revealed

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, October 12, 2018 – The head of the Clinic for Women’s Diseases at the Clinical Hospital Centre (KBC) in ...

Construction of New Children’s Hospital Starting in 2019

Total Croatia News

The new hospital will be located near the site of the never completed university hospital in Zagreb.

Parliament to Vote on No Confidence Motion against Health Minister

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, September 28, 2018 – Opposition parties on Friday put forward a no-confidence motion against Health Minister Milan Kujundžić, after ...

Zagreb Has Best HIV Prevention Initiative in Europe

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, September 25, 2018 – The CheckPoint project is a comprehensive approach to supporting HIV prevention and has been included ...

Eko Taxi Provides Free Transportation to Children with Malignant Diseases

Total Croatia News

The company continues its successful collaboration with the Krijesnica NGO.

Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancer Most Common Causes of Death

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, September 21, 2018 – In 2017 a total of 53,477 people died in Croatia with the most common causes ...