croatian army

Photo: Dalibor Urukalovic/PIXSELL

President Writes to PM About Defence Minister’s Unlawful Conduct

Total Croatia News

In the letter, sent to Plenković on 28 October, the president claims that Banožić abused his powers by sending into early ...

Photo: Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL

Empowerment of Women in Armed Forces Advocated

Total Croatia News

The aim of the project, co-funded by the U.S. administration, is to raise awareness of the status of women in the ...


Joint Statement by A5 Members: Cooperation in Region to Strengthen Security

Total Croatia News

The statement was also signed by U.S. European Command (EUCOM) Deputy Commander Lieutenant General Michael L. Howard. The conference, held ...

Davor Javorovic / PIXSELL

30th Anniversary of Battle of Vukovar Marked

Total Croatia News

Vukovar was heroically defended in the 1991 battle for three months, after which its defence lines were penetrated and the city ...


30th Anniversary of Military Police Marked

Total Croatia News

A memorial plaque was unveiled on that occasion at the Odra Community Centre by the head of the Croatian Armed ...

© Savez Roma u RH "KALI SARA"

Roma in the Homeland War: More Research on Defending Croatia Needed

Total Croatia News

Croatia is marking the 26th Anniversary of Operation Storm, a military action that, on August 5, 1995, marked the liberation ...

screenshot / Al Jazeera Balkans

President Zoran Milanović: There’s no Boycott, Some Generals Received Invitation Too Late

Total Croatia News

Who has announced a boycott? Ljubo Ćesić Rojs has not. Josip Đakić is not a general, he is a bum, ...

screenshot / Hrvatska radiotelevizija

Defense Minister Mario Banožić: Problem of Substance Abuse Among Military Personnel Under Scrutiny

Total Croatia News

Speaking to the press ahead of an inner cabinet meeting, Banožić said that in accordance with the Drug Abuse Prevention Act, ...


Minister Tomo Medved: Central Celebration of Operation Storm to be Held at Knin Stadium

Total Croatia News

Based on guidance from the Croatian Public Health Institute on compliance with coronavirus restrictions, it has been assessed that the Knin ...

screenshot / Aljazeera Balkans

Croatian President Zoran Milanović Meets With EU Military Committee Chairman

Total Croatia News

Graziano thanked Milanović for the participation of the Croatian Armed Forces in EU-led missions and operations. They talked about the Strategic Compass ...