cryptocurrencies croatia

iNovine Becomes First Croatian National Kiosk to Accept Cryptocurrencies
Lauren Simmonds
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, iNovine, one of the largest retail kiosks in the Republic of Croatia which operates as part of ...

BlockSplit: Largest Regional Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference Returns in May
Daniela Rogulj
The Blockchain Hub Split organizers, as well as participants at the BlockSplit conference held in Split in April 2018, were ...

Electrocoin and Konzum Cryptocurrency Shopping to be Permitted
Lauren Simmonds
As Poslovni Dnevnik/Lucija Spiljak writes, in the near future, services will be available in Konzum stores; for a start in ...

Istrian Communal Company Becomes First to Accept Cryptocurrencies!
Lauren Simmonds
A more digital future is rapidly approaching, and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has forced the world to step up its ...

Sveta Nedelja to Enable Service Payments in Cryptocurrency
Lauren Simmonds
Sveta Nedelja, which is home to the famous Rimac Automobili owned by beloved and wildly successful Croatian entrepreneur Mate Rimac, ...