education croatia

Croatian Libraries in a Digital Climate: Conference Held in Lovran
The pandemic and earthquakes of 2020 opened a lot of questions of handling everyday institutions in the not-so-usual times. One ...

Through Pandemics and Earthquakes: World Teachers’ Day in Croatia Honors Educators
World Teachers’ Day is held annually on 5 October to celebrate all teachers around the globe. It commemorates the anniversary ...

Overweight Croatian Children: Every Third Child Eats Too Much
The Dalmatian meat specialty of Pašticada, Zagorje’s Štrukli, spicy Slavonian sausages called Kulen… the list goes on and these are ...

Zagreb University Student Council: Lavish Expenses By President Mihovil Mioković
Established on September 23, 1669, Zagreb University remains the oldest and biggest university in Croatia to this day, but sadly, ...

Croatian Schools Do Not Offer Systematic Education About Climate Change
Croatian students acquire most of the knowledge about climate change by participating in projects. Sanja Turčić Padavić, a teacher at a ...

Croatian School Pupil Weight Measuring: From Public to Private
When you were a pupil in school, did you feel shame or discomfort during PE when that dreadful day on ...

Andautonia For Everyone Programme: The Ščitarjevo Ancient Romans
Give or take 24 minutes by car from Zagreb to the south-east lies the village of Ščitarjevo. Belonging to the ...

Police File Reports Against Eight Anti-Maskers in Krapinske Toplice
The police have filed 26 reports and they refer to an attempt to disturb the public peace, unreported public assembly in ...

Museum Practicum Project: Curator and Art Education by Zagreb Contemporary Art Museum
With the many good practices of additional education and popularising scientific and educational fields for young people (such as the ...

Scope Project: Višnjan Observatory on STEM Popularization Mission
When it comes to astronomy in Croatia, the Višnjan Observatory in Istria holds the top place as the best location ...