european union

Croatia Falls Short as EU Demands More Women in Management Positions

Lauren Simmonds

The EU wants to see around 40 percent of women making up positions on company management and supervisory boards by ...

Virovitica Will Have Largest Budget Ever in 2019, Investments Planned

Lauren Simmonds

Virovitica is by far one of Croatia’s most overlooked cities. Located what feels like a world away from the hustle ...

Brexit: What Withdrawal Agreement Means for Croats in UK, Brits in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Brexit. It’s irritating, it sends pound sterling up and down like a rollercoaster, and quite frankly, it’s become a farce. ...

Investment in Croatia: 150 Million Kuna for Primorje-Gorski Kotar County

Lauren Simmonds

Whether it be big or small, investment in Croatia with the help of European Union funds continues to keep the ...

Croatian Emigrants Sent 1 Billion Euros to Families in Croatia in 2017

Lauren Simmonds

Croatian emigrants dotted all around the world sent a huge amount of money via private transfers to their families in ...

Fire Safe Europe: ”Croatia Has Excellent Chance to Improve Standards”

Lauren Simmonds

Can Croatia improve its standards by putting in proper preventative fire protection measures in its buildings, alongside the obtaining of ...

Is Croatia Entering New European Retail Market?

Lauren Simmonds

With the acquisition of numerous shopping centres, is Croatia entering a new European retail market? As Ana Blaskovic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes ...

Second Best in European Union: Croatia Produced 35% More Wine This Year

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia is the second best in the European Union when it comes to wine production for 2018. The country produced ...

EU Funds: Croatia Continues to Lose EU Money Because of Irregularities

Lauren Simmonds

Just how is Croatia doing when it comes to the proper use of EU funds? With many irregularities reported, in ...

Croatian Company Paying High Wage Receives Offer to Move to Ireland

Lauren Simmonds

One Croatian company which pays its employees wages of over 1,000 euros per month has had an offer to move ...