european union

Of 25,000 Newly Employed Croats, 21,500 Employed in Seasonal Jobs

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia’s seasonality is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to employment and economic woes.

Island Life: Tkon and Pašman Make Good Use of EU Funds

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for two island communities in the Zadar region.

EU Funds For Preko’s Strategic Tourism Development

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for Preko’s tourism development!

New EU Law Raises Car Prices, Particularly Those Most Popular With Croatian Buyers?

Lauren Simmonds

Could a new EU law have a negative effect on Croatia’s drivers?

Adriatic Smart Islands Becoming Source for New Solutions

Lauren Simmonds

Krk will host a conference on smart islands this October.

Cheap Flights from Rijeka! Frankfurt, London, Oslo…

Lauren Simmonds

Some welcome news if you’re planning to fly from Rijeka!

Upgrade of Crikvenica Port Begins

Lauren Simmonds

An upgrade for Crikvenica’s port in on the cards.

Croatian Railways Need 50 Billion Kuna Investment Urgently

Lauren Simmonds

While European railways are being renewed and updated, Croatia’s railways appear to be in a worse state than they were ...

Tonino Picula’s Amendment on Croatia’s Schengen Entry Adopted – Conference in June

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia comes ever closer to entering the Schengen Area.

Jadroplov’s Restructuring: European Commission Grants 105.6 Million Kuna

Lauren Simmonds

New horizons for Jadroplov as the EC grants help.