european union

Money Available for Croatian Municipalities to Have Free Wi-Fi in Parks, Squares and More

Lauren Simmonds

The money is there for Croatia to be able to install free Wi-Fi in public spaces, parks, squares, and more.

EU Wants To Recycle All Plastic, How Does Croatia Feel?

Lauren Simmonds

There are about 700 companies who produce plastic in Croatia, 100 of which exclusively make PVC bags.

First European Strategy for Fight Against Plastic Adopted

Lauren Simmonds

Green Action (Zelena Akcija) has welcomed the adoption of the first European plastic strategy in its statement.

Only Croatia and Latvia with More ”Bad Credit”

Lauren Simmonds

Brussels releases data on non-performing loans in the European Union.

Where Are Our Projects? EIB Approved 78 Billion Euro, Croatia Takes Only Half a Billion

Lauren Simmonds

It seems that older EU member states have more to gain as neighbouring Italy has contracted 12.3 billion euro, Spain ...

Eurostat: Annual Inflation Down to EU and Euro Area, Croatia Follows Trend

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, January 17th, 2018 – Annual inflation in both the European Union and euro area was down in December 2017 and ...

Investment of Almost 50 Million Kuna for Učka Nature Park

Lauren Simmonds

A considerable investment for Učka Nature Park as the ”doing up” of five tourist centres is planned.

New Entrance to NP Krka Worth More Than 84 Million Kuna

Lauren Simmonds

EU funds will finance 85% of the project.

Croatian Passport Weakest in EU

Lauren Simmonds

When it comes to entrance into non EU countries without a visa, Croatia is at the bottom of the list.

Eurostat Reveals Habits of Croatian Companies and Online Sales

Lauren Simmonds

Croatian companies are among the top when it comes to online sales through their own websites or applications, as opposed ...