
Milijan Brkić Demands Karamarko’s Resignation

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Turmoil spreads to HDZ as well – deputy party president joins calls for Karamarko to leave the government.

Karamarko: HDZ to Try to Reshuffle Ruling Coalition

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HDZ holds meeting of party presidency, MOST leader makes another statement, and HSS leaves the Patriotic Coalition.

HDZ Trying to Find 76 MPs to Support Karamarko as Prime Minister

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If Karamarko does not form the government, new elections are inevitable.

Unofficial Sources: HDZ and SDP Reach Agreement on Constitutional Court Judges

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It seems that constitutional crisis will be avoided after all.

MOST to HDZ: If Karamarko Resigns, Petrov Will Also Leave the Government

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Another twist in the ruling coalition saga? Still, it seems HDZ is not interested.

Zoran Milanović: HDZ Knows It Would Lose Early Elections

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After two weeks of media silence, SDP president Zoran Milanović finally comments on government crisis.

Culture Minister Hasanbegović Gets Most Votes for HDZ Party Presidency

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At Saturday’s HDZ party congress, controversial Culture Minister was one of the main stars.

At HDZ Party Congress, Karamarko Launches Another Attack against MOST

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The 17th HDZ Party Congress starts in an atmosphere of crisis in the ruling coalition.

Karamarko: MOST and Petrov Will Not Bring Down This Government

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Coalition partners continue to attack each other.

Božo Petrov Explains Position of MOST Regarding Karamarko

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In an interview with Jutarnji List, MOST leader explains his decision.