
Biting Political Satire, Colourful Children: It Must be Karnevol in Jelsa (VIDEO)

Total Croatia News

It is one of the most joyful days of the year for locals in Jelsa, especially the little ones, and ...

A Fountain Arrives in Jelsa: And a New Pavement Too

Total Croatia News

Jelsa’s massive facelift continues, and a big day for the new fountain square where once the taxi drivers waited, between ...

New Fountain Square for Jelsa for Easter

Total Croatia News

You move away from Jelsa, and within a few weeks, they change everything…  As previously reported on TCN, work has ...

Carnival Season is Here: Jelsa Maskenball Tonight!

Total Croatia News

It is one of the most eagerly awaited events in the Jelsa calendar, and a chance for locals to inject ...

Valentines Day in Jelsa Means Me and Mrs Jones

Total Croatia News

There are certain things in the Hvar calendar that one begins to miss when one no longer lives there.  I ...

Masked Ball and Olive Oil Highlights: A Busy Week in Jelsa

Total Croatia News

So what is on in Jelsa these days? The Jelsa Tourist Board has introduced a really nice initiative in recent ...

Hvar Island Olive Oil Days 2017 in Jelsa on Saturday

Total Croatia News

A nice addition to pre-season Jelsa as – for the second year running – Hvar Island Olive OIl Days 2017 ...

Over 63,000 More Overnights in Jelsa in 2016: Up 18%

Total Croatia News

It has been a period for change in Jelsa in recent years, with fluctuating tourism fortunes and a huge infrastructure ...

Kalina, a New Smoke-Free Dining Option in Jelsa

Total Croatia News

A new dining option on Jelsa’s waterfront just off the main square. I will confess I don’t know a lot ...

A New Fountain and Pedestrian Square for Jelsa

Total Croatia News

Work continues on the upgrade of Jelsa, with the latest area to undergo a transormation the square in front of ...