minister of agriculture

Floraart Opens At Bundek Lake
This year, there are 160 exhibitors with over 100,000 plants. Mayor Tomašević particularly thanked guests from the Republic of Korea ...

Croatian Agriculture Minister and Albanian Ambassador Meet to Discuss Trade
It was agreed that Vučković would soon visit Albania as part of efforts by both countries to expand bilateral cooperation ...

New Land Consolidation Bill Presented In Parliament
The money set aside to apply the law will help to consolidate 18,000 hectares, but there is interest in consolidating ...

Croatia Will Have Enough Food, Agriculture Minister Says
Responding to questions from the press after a cabinet session, she said the government was considering various models to ensure ...

HPK: Europe Must Protect its Agriculture
The HPK recalls in a statement that Copa and Cogeca have asked the EU to do its best for all ...

Survey Says: How Did Croatians Rank Their Government and Ministers?
The people of Croatia have spoken in a survey evaluating their government and it’s ministers.