seasonal jobs croatia

Croatia Still Lacking Five to Ten Thousand Tourist Workers
This tourist season, 1.2 million jobs in hospitality and tourism in the European Union remained unfilled, with travel agencies being ...
Croatia’s Paradox: Work But No Workers, Workers But No Work
The Republic of Croatia is in a group of four European Union member states with a lower uncovered demand for ...
Days of Jobs in Tourism Offers Chances for Many Would-be Employees
The Days of jobs in tourism events across three Croatian cities, both in continental Croatia and on the coast, are ...
Croatian Employers Already Searching for Staff and Promising Higher Wages
The demographic has had numerous repercussions on Croatian society as a whole, and a lack of adequate or qualified labour ...
Is a Labour Market Crash Threatening Croatia?
The Croatian National Bank estimates that the number of workers in the next twenty years in Croatia will be reduced ...
Plava Laguna Stimulates Employment With Wage Increases
Good news for Plava Laguna employees.
Strained Summer: ”My Employee Went To The Coast For Double The Wage”
As the demographic crisis bites, many tourist oriented businesses have been forced to go to great lengths to secure staff ...
Croatia’s Seasonal Employers: From Mystery Wages To Phantom Apartments
June 14, 2018 — One man’s attempt to explain the lack of seasonal workers reveals an uncomfortable truth.
Of 25,000 Newly Employed Croats, 21,500 Employed in Seasonal Jobs
Croatia’s seasonality is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to employment and economic woes.
Pula’s Pastry Shop Woes: ”Sorry, There’s Nobody To Serve You”
You just can’t get the staff. No, really.