
223 River Cruise Ships to Visit Vukovar This Year

Total Croatia News

The city of Vukovar is gradually becoming a popular destination for river cruises

One of Croatia’s Most Modern Companies Does Business with BMW, Audi, Volkswagen

Lauren Simmonds

Empty Slavonia? Not quite. One ultra-modern company based in Vukovar-Srijem County is a very good friend of some of the ...

First Serbian Investor in Vukovar Goes by Market Standards

Lauren Simmonds

A company headquartered in Belgrade has set its sights on Croatia’s Hero City.

Vukovar-Vučedol-Ilok Cultural Destination Wins Prestigious Award

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, March 23, 2018 – “Vukovar-Vučedol-Ilok” is one of 18 European destinations which have received the EDEN prize confirming the ...

Vinkovci-Vukovar Railway Project Ready for EU Funding

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, March 19, 2018 – The Transport and Infrastructure Ministry on Monday received confirmation from JASPERS for a project to ...

Italian Company Plans Six Million Euro Investment in Vukovar

Lauren Simmonds

Could Croatia’s Hero City be in for the boost of all boosts?

Port of Vukovar Intensifying International Cooperation

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, March 14, 2018 – A second meeting of representatives of the Vukovar Danube river port and Romania’s Danube-Black Sea ...

Eastern Croatia – Great Potential for Cultural Tourism

Total Croatia News

Not many particularly positive stories come out of Slavonia these days, but the potential is there, should someone tap into ...

Vukovar Defenders Day Marked

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, March 10, 2018 – Defence Minister Damir Krstičević said on Saturday that the eastern town of Vukovar was a ...

One Croatian County Has Lost More Than 60,000 Residents

Lauren Simmonds

As the coast booms, the overlooked parts of Eastern Croatia continue to suffer silently.