
Take a Video Tour of Europe’s Oldest Public Theatre on Hvar, Croatia: Stunning!

Total Croatia News

The oldest public theatre in Europe reopened on May 1, 2019 on the island of Hvar, Croatia. Take this beautiful ...

New Traffic Regulations in Split for Upcoming Tourist Season (VIDEO)

Daniela Rogulj

April 30, 2019 – The City of Split announced that from the beginning of June, namely June 1, 2019, new ...


Meet 2 Brits Raising the Gourmet Level on Dalmatian Islands (VIDEO)

Total Croatia News

April 30, 2019 – While British cuisine may not have the best global reputation, meet two Brits who are raising ...


From ÖTILLÖ Swimrun (VIDEO) to Mountain Madness, Hvar Adrenaline Continues

Total Croatia News

April 25, 2019 – Hvar’s adrenaline credentials continue to grow. No sooner has the ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Series finished than Mountain ...

‘Za Krizen’ 2019 on Hvar: 6 Processions, 8 Videos, 1 UNESCO Heritage

Total Croatia News

 April 20, 2019 – One of Croatia’s most important religious traditions, the UNESCO-inscribed ‘Za Krizen’ processions on Hvar, took place ...

VIDEO: Unusual Fight Between Seagull and Octopus in NP Kornati

Lauren Simmonds

A seagull tried to make an octopus his dinner, but the octopus wasn’t in the mood. This unusual footage from ...


UNESCO Traditions on Hvar (VIDEO): ‘Za Krizen’ Procession Underway in Jelsa

Total Croatia News

April 18, 2019 – A religious spectacle is underway on Hvar, as 6 simultaneous ‘Za Krizen’ processions through the night ...

Get Ready for ‘Game of Thrones’ Final Season with 2CELLOS (VIDEO)

Daniela Rogulj

April 13, 2019 – Unless you live in a cave, you’re probably aware that the final season of Game of ...

A Fairy Tale in the Palm of Your Hand: Zagorje Releases Stunning New Promo Video

Daniela Rogulj

Krapina-Zagorje County published a new promotional video that aims to present the most successful tourist destination of continental Croatia to ...

Everyone’s a Critic: Strong Reactions to Rijeka Promotional Video

Total Croatia News

We’ve written about the recently promoted, edgy video directed by one of the most renowned Croatian directors Dalibor Matanić (who ...