One of the reasons I like writing about Croatian tourism and wine in English is that there are so many amazing stories that have hardly been mentioned in an international language before. Exploring the island of Hvar when we first started the Total Project was a joy, and many locals were surprised at things I found, amazing things just waiting to be discovered, such as this stunning 2500 year-old olive tree, for example.
And when it comes to wine, I am sure there will be plenty more fabulous things to discover. How about this one for starters – what is claimed as the largest wine barrel in constant use in the world, which holds a staggering 75,000 litres. It is certainly also one of the most beautiful, with some stunning intricate carvings on its exterior.
It is part of a collection of large barrels which house some of the six million litres of wine produced annually on the banks of the Danube close to the Serbian border, some 46km east of Osijek by the Erdut winery. The barrels are just part of what sounds like a fascinating tasting tour of the Erdut winery, whose 470 hectares of vineyards are to be found next to the winery. The tour includes a visit to the original cellar dating back to 1730, as well as this more modern facility with its amazing barrels, which was constructed in 1985.
With thanks to Paul Wisely for the photographs. For more information about the winery, visit the official Erdut website.